A Reading Announcement—Caryn’s Bookshelf

Pardon the interruption from my normally scheduled picture book posting, but I have an announcement to make: I read a lot of books. I know, shocking. But actually the announcement has to do with my new method of keeping track of all the other books I’m reading and loving and dying to share. Three Books a Night is devoted to sharing picture books and I want it to stay that way, but I love all kinds of books and love to talk about them too. So, if you are interested in seeing what other books I may be cramming onto my bookshelf, check out my new tumblr: Caryn’s Bookshelf.

I plan on keeping it to a photo or two of the book and a short recap of my thoughts, the plot or some random note about the book. These books will most likely be young adult literature, as that is what I treasure the most in my pleasure reading, but I may feature some of the adult books that capture my attention too. If you are so inclined, pop over there occasionally and strike up a conversation about the latest Newbery potential book, memoir, graphic novel, or whatever else is gracing my side table at the moment! There is also a handy little link in my sidebar to the right which will display the latest book I’ve added.

Hope to see you there and hear about what else you are reading!

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